ご婦人の膀胱出口閉塞症(Campbell-Walsh Urologyから)
Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Women
The female counterpart of non-neurogenic bladder neck dysfunction in men does exist, although it is rare. Bladder outlet obstruction in women in general is uncommon. Diokno and coworkers (1984) were among the first to clearly define this entity in women on the basis of videourodynamic studies. Nitti and coworkers (1999) evaluated the videourodynamic studies of 261 of 331 women who underwent multichannel studies for non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction. They defined bladder outlet obstruction as radiographic evidence of obstruction between the bladder neck and the distal urethra in the presence of a sustained detrusor contraction of any magnitude, which is usually associated with reduced or delayed urinary flow rate. Obstruction at the level of the bladder neck was diagnosed when the bladder neck was closed or narrowed during voiding. Obstruction of the urethra was diagnosed as a discrete area of narrowing, associated with proximal dilatation. Strict pressure-flow criteria were not used to classify cases as obstructed or not obstructed. Using these criteria they found 76, or 23%, of their cases to be obstructed. Of those obstructed, only 16% (12 patients) were diagnosed as having primary bladder neck obstruction (the counterpart to non-neurogenic bladder neck dysfunction in the male). Thirty-three percent of the cases of obstruction were caused by dysfunctional voiding (see earlier for description), 28% by cystocele, 14% by obstruction created by prior incontinence surgery, 4% by urethral stricture, 3% by uterine prolapse, and 1% each by urethral diverticulum and rectocele. Groutz and associates (2000) reviewed their urodynamic database of 587 consecutive women referred for evaluation of voiding symptoms. They defined obstruction as a persistent low, noninvasive maximum flow rate less than 12 mL/s on repeated study combined with a detrusor pressure at maximum measured flow rate of more than 20 cm H2O in a pressure-flow study. Only 38 women (6.5%) met these criteria of bladder outlet obstruction. Of those, only 8% (3 women) were characterized as having primary bladder neck obstruction. Twenty-six percent (10 women) had obstruction on the basis of prior anti-incontinence surgery, 24% because of severe genital prolapse, 13% because of urethral stricture, 5% because of dysfunctional voiding, 5% because of true detrusor striated sphincter dyssynergia, and 3% because of urethral diverticulum; and in 16%, there was no definable etiology. Most authors would agree that surgical treatment of this problem in women should be approached with caution, because sphincteric incontinence is a significant risk.
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